
Disadvantages of podcasting

Disadvantages of using pod-casting in a classroom environment is spending time giving and repeating instructions and fixing IT issues. Any ICT activity also requires a lot of resources being the IT equipment, server issues and funding for maintenance, equipment and a technician. J.Blackmore, L. Hardcastle, et. Al. agrees that it is difficult to integrate ICT into the classroom as the teachers spend a lot of time giving instructions and problem shooting IT issues. The teachers also felt that because of the instructional time the students missed out on time to practice and develop the skills being taught (2003, page 203)

Tynan, and Colbran, agree that the overheads for implementing ICT is high and that there is a lack of visual link to overheads, power-points, writing on the board and face to face learning. They go on to say that the quality of Pod-casting can be lacking due to peripheral sound, delays in availability and download times (2006, page 831).

Reference list

Tynan, B., Colbran, S. (2006) Pod-casting, student learning and expectations. Centre for teaching and learning University of New England. Retrieved July 14, 2010, from

Blackmore, J., Hardcastle, L., Bamblett, E., Ownens, J. (2003).
Effective Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to Enhance Learning for Disadvantaged School Students. Deakin University, Retrieved July 11, 2010, from www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/D63F92A3-6931.../ICTreport.pdf.

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